Manage your private money transfer network with ease. RemitX software everything you need to run your Xawaalada network. For a low price - paid once - you can get started today.
DISCOVERWe have built RemitX with you in mind. We have added tons of features to help you run your Money Transfer Business.
RemitX provides you with the right tools to run and monitor your Xawaalada network and create a healthy lasting relationship with your correspondents.
You can use our powerful reporting tools to set your goals and meet them. Each user type sees the relevant data and according to their location.
That's your call, decide how much commission you want to charge, and how you want to distribute the earnings between sending and receiving branch.
Enjoy the freedom of running your money services business your way. Create your network of corrospondents, set your commissions, decide how you want to split the commission. Take Control.
BenefitsWith RemitX you will have the independence to run your money transfer network without having pay unfair cuts to network owners
We have done everything to bring you the best product available. Your feedback and opinion matter. If you have problems, suggestions, or any type of concerns please don't hesitate to contact us.
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